RI From alloy handling to degassing, desulfurization and decarbonizing secondary metallurgy is indispensable for the production of high-quality steel. Basic units of secondary metallurgy are vacuum degassing units (VD/VOD/VD-OB), ladle furnace (LD), RH-degassers, AOD/VODC units.


Vacuum degassing unit

We produce magnesia-chromite products for working lining of degassers using high-quality sintered periclase and natural chromite ore with minimum content of Silica. Our products have a high resistance to erosion and ability to absorb tensions caused by thermal shock. We offer sets of refractory materials including concrete for a nozzles face side, insulation, buffer mixes, products for nozzle working lining and degasser’s chamber, ramming and hot repair mixes. Products for working lining of nozzles can be assembled prior shipment to the customers.

Selected refractory products for vacuum degassing units * 

Designation Chemical analysis, % ** Physical properties
MgO Al2O3 Cr2O3 CaO Fe2O3 SiO2 Density, g/cm³ Porosity, % Compression strength, Mpa
RI-MX01VE 65 3 21 1 6,5 0,8 ≥3,30 ≤15 ≥55
RI-MX01VMI 63 5,5 20 1,2 9 0,8 ≥3,20 (≤13,5) ≥55
RI-MX03VMI 55 5 24 1 8 0,9 ≥3,25 (≤13,0) ≥55



Steel Ladle To perform working lining we apply aluminum-magnesia-carbon, periclase-aluminum-carbon and periclase-carbon products. To manufacture of these products we use high-quality fused and sintered periclase powders, fused and sintered corundum, magnesium and aluminum spinel, coarse-granulated flake graphite with low ash, synthetic resins. To give products special properties, different types of antioxidants may be added. We produce required types of products to help developing of optimal sets of linings for various conditions of steel manufacturers as well as full sets of refractory materials which include insulation and buffer mixes, products for backup and working lining, ramming and hot repair mixes, well blocks, purge blocks, mortar, gate ceramics.

Selected working lining products for steel ladle *

Designation Chemical analysis % ** Physical properties
MgO Al2O3 C Density g/cm³ Porosity % Compression strength Mpa
Slag belt
RI-MC 01 LC 77 5,5 14-16 ≥3,00 ≤4,0 ≥40
RI-MC 02 LC 80 5,5 11-13 ≥3,02 ≤4,0 ≥40
RI-AMC 04LC 10 75 7 ≥3,10 ≤8 ≥45
RI-AMC 05LC 60 20 10 ≥3,00 ≤5 ≥45
RI-AMC 11LC 10 70 7 ≥3,15 ≤8 ≥50
RI-AMC 29LC 20 60 10 ≥2,98 ≤7 ≥45
RI-AMC 31LC 25 45 12 ≥2,95 ≤7 ≥45
RI-AMC 34LC 65 15 9 ≥2,96 ≤7 ≥40
RI-AMC 01LC 25 65 7 ≥3,20 ≤8 ≥45


Selected ramming and buffer mixes for steel ladle *

Designation Chemical analysis, %
MgO SiO2 Cr2O3 Fe2O3 P2O5 LOI
RI-BM02LC 62 26
RI-BM04LC 89 2,5
RI-P01LC 91 2 0,6 1,8 3
RI-P02LC 92 - 0,9 2,36-3,6


Selected wet/dry gunning and ramming mixes for tundish *

Designation Chemical analysis, %
SiO2 Fe2O3 MgO
RI-G01TC 25 5,5 65
RI-G04TC 28,5 7 57,5
RI-DV02TC 27 - 60
RI-DV03TC 12,5 - 80
RI-DV04TC 6,5 - 83,5


* – The values are typical and derived from existing standards. Not a specification.

** – The figures are exclusive of the ignition losses.